- Sets policy directions of LGRRC;
- Identifies and implements relevant actions related to the enhancement of operations, including retooling of members;
- Regularly coordinates with LGNRC and facilitates knowledge-sharing with other LGRRCs;
- Convenes and presides over the quarterly MSAC and composite team meetings; and,
- Supervises the LGRRC composite team.

- Monitor and evaluate LGRRC performance;
- Review LGRC plans and accomplishment reports;
- Oversee LGRRC Activities.

- Manage technical assistance in coordination with the divisions and field offices;
- Develop capacity development materials and modules in coordination with regional focal persons and with the creatives unit;
- Monitor and evaluate CapDev interventions;
- Work closely with other LGRRC facilities to ensure harmonized implementation of LGRC CALABARZON activities.

- Document exemplary and replicable practices on local governance through LGISB and other possible channels and platforms;
- Assist in maintaining IT facilities based on established policies and procedures;
- Ensure that LGRRC products, services, and programs are integrated in the DILG CALABARZON website and in the LGRC E-Library;
- Develop and update LGU and local governance databases;
- Design, prepare and/or update regularly the library catalogues (if any) and the website;
- Work closely with other LGRRC facilities to ensure harmonized implementation of LGRC CALABARZON activities;
Creatives and Innovation Unit
- Specialize on content creation/production for various IEC and CapDev programs of the Department;
- Manage social media accounts of DILG IV-A and ensure activity/engagement for holidays, special events, and relevant local and national news;
- Influence creativity in the design of internal and external CapDev Activities and information systems;

- Establish partnership with media for public education;
- Promote and facilitate citizen education and advocacy on best practices on local governance administration;
- Prepare, update, and reproduce IEC materials in coordination with the Creatives Unit;
- Facilitate the conduct of learning events like conferences, forum, and symposium;
- Work closely with other LGRRC facilities to ensure harmonized implementation of LGRC CALABARZON activities.
- Provide guidance and recommend activities and innovation to the communication and information committee

- Facilitate alliance building with NGAS, LRIS, CSOs, and PSRS;
- Maintain directory of experts/local resource institutes;
- Establish partnerships with LGUS and other stakeholders for implementation of LGRRC activities;
- Perform referral to and forge partnership with resource persons from MSAC partners for the implementation of capacity development activities;
- Work closely with other LGRRC facilities to ensure harmonized implementation of LGRC CALABARZON activities.

- Enable administrative support to LGRC activities such as processing of procurement requests, regular updating and monitoring of funds, and provision of guidance/advisories on fund utilization;
- Regularly update LGRC funds utilization at the LGA Monitoring and Evaluation System (LGAMES);
- Regularly update LGRC accomplishments at the LGA Monitoring and Evaluation System (LGAMES);
- Provide legal guidance and support to the legal matters that may arise concerning LGRC Projects, Programs, and Activities (PPAs); and
- Review of Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding